Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Kite quilt

I have two new grand babies on the way, one in March and the other in April. That means a lot of stitching. I wasn't sure of the genders so I started making a kite quilt for a boy.

I have been wanting to make a kite quilt I saw a couple years ago on Quilting Board. It seems to be a simple pattern but I bought the back issue of The Quilter Magazine just in case.

I had a hard time choosing fabrics for this project. Most of my stash consists of purples and pinks so I knew I would have to buy fabric. I have always chosen my own combinations, but must admit I cheated this time and bought mini charm packs of 2 1/2" squares. I used the 30's Playtime collection, by Moda.
The pattern calls for 2" squares, but since I am using 2 1/2" squares, I had to adjust the pattern a bit. I thought it would be simple, but of course I had a little trouble there... However, I figured it out and I am on a roll now and getting it sewn together. I am a little nervous about appliquéing the kite. I swore off appliqué after a frustrating and unsatisfactory experience when I was 11, appliquéing Sunbonnet Sues on a charity quilt with my Camp Fire Girl troop. The experience scarred me for life and I still shutter at the sight of Sunbonnet Sue :-)

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